Altamont Baptist Church was established in the 1800s and has been a part of the community for over 100 years. Our current church building was constructed in 1953 and has remained our place of worship ever since.
We gather together every Sunday morning to worship and hear the Word of God from one of our pastors. We currently do not host Sunday evening services at this time.
Our church is an active member of the community and particpates in multiple parades every year as well as hosting plays and other seasonal events during major holidays open to whosoever wants to attend them.
Every Wednesday evening, we offer a meal to the community before having our Wednesday night services. This meal is open to anyone in our community regardless of if you attend our church or not. While we do encourage our guests to stick around for our church services after the meal, it is not required. Our adult service after the meal takes place in the sanctuary while we have a program for the youth, AWANA during the school year, up in our fellowship hall/gym. During the summer we provide a separate program for the youth during the same timeframe. Children from ages 2-18 are welcome to join us for AWANA or our youth program.